Special Needs Small Groups

Wherever there are kids, there will be kids with Special Needs. We have Special Needs kids at Hebron, and we are faced with this challenge—how do we show Jesus to these kids—how do Special Needs kids get to know who Jesus is?

How do YOU get to know Jesus? How do YOU learn who He is?

At Hebron, our Groves are designed as places where both children and adults can meet, discuss, read, and learn about Jesus. We have a variety of worship services at Hebron where the Scriptures are preached and where you can increase your knowledge of the Lord. You have your Bible, and other resources that you can turn to for insight.

Special Needs kids may have to go about it in a different way. They have intellectual and social challenges that do not always allow them to meet, discuss, read, and learn. So where do we begin??

Certainly acceptance of who they are is at the start, and a willingness to show them the perfect love of Jesus. Adaptation of materials to a level where they can participate is also key.

This is happening at Hebron Church. We have a Special Needs Small Group that meets at the 10:45 am hour that is tailored to the needs of the Special Needs children we serve. We also have a Special Needs Small Group that meets at the Kidz Club time on Wednesdays, where we have children not just from Hebron, but from our community.

I am blessed to be able to be part of this ministry and through the years, I have seen God working mightily all through these kids. When a child knows that he is part of something special and is capable of participating and understanding at his level, great things happen. Relationships are formed and grow. It is a wonderful thing!

Feel like getting involved?? You can be a part of this wonderful ministry. The Special Needs Children’s Ministry at Hebron is growing and there is room and acceptance for everyone.

Email me at: mollymaerunt@yahoo.com  or Ellen Dillard at: ellend@hebrononline.org  for more information.