By: Jill Scott
It’s an exciting time in Hebron Children's Ministry as we ramp up for our very best week of summer…..VBS! The theme for VBS is the same as it is for the entire summer across the board in Children's Ministry:
Ready, Set, Move! Follow Jesus here, there and everywhere!
This year, our Elementary kids have been on a Journey of God’s Love Through Time by working their way through the Bible chronologically. We are looking forward to completing our God’s Big Story wall at the end of July!
What kids are talking about this summer….
Elementary: Virtue: Faith – Trusting in what you can’t see because of what you can see!
Since the beginning, God has always been deeply involved in the world. We see God’s handiwork on display in creation. We see God’s love on display through Jesus, who came to rescue us. We respond to God in faith, believing in what we can’t see because of what we can see. When we focus on what we know to be true about God and the world God created, we can have faith in what we can’t see or fully understand. We put that faith into action as we follow Jesus and show His love to the world.
· Paul Becomes a Believer—Acts 9:1-9
Ø Bottom Line: Knowing Jesus changes how you see things.
· Ananias Helps Paul—Acts 9:10-31
Ø Bottom Line: God can help you face your fears.
· Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius—Acts 10
Ø Bottom Line: God can change the way you see others.
· An Angel Helps Peter Escape from Prison—Acts 12:1-19
Ø Bottom Line: God is with you even when you feel stuck.
Memory Verse: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
· Salvation Is God’s Gift—Ephesians 2:8-9
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus is a gift for everyone.
· Paul and Silas Are Thrown Into Prison—Acts 16:16-40
Ø Bottom Line: God can help you face your fears.
· Paul Shipwrecked—Acts 27:1-28:10
Ø Bottom Line: When bad things happen, God is with you.
· The Church—Hebrews 10:23-25
Ø Bottom Line: Our faith is stronger together.
· Heaven—Revelation 21:3-5a
Ø Bottom Line: God will make everything right in the end.
Memory Verse: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—” Ephesians 2:8
Preschool: This summer, we’re talking about the best friend ever with our preschoolers. We want every preschooler to know that not only is Jesus the best friend ever, but Jesus wants to be THEIR friend . . . forever! We want our preschoolers to hear over and over that Jesus wants to be their friend forever. And not only does Jesus want to be their friend, but Jesus is a friend worth following. That way, when the time comes, our preschoolers will be ready to follow Jesus here, there, and everywhere!
· Paul Becomes a Believer—Acts 9:1-9
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
· Ananias Helps Paul—Acts 9:10-31
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus gives me people to help me.
· Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius—Acts 10
Ø Bottom Line: I can love everyone the way Jesus loves everyone.
· An Angel Helps Peter Escape from Prison—Acts 12:1-19
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus is always with me.
Memory Verse: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” Matthew 4:19
· Salvation Is God’s Gift—Ephesians 2:8-9
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus is a gift for everyone.
· Paul and Silas Are Thrown Into Prison—Acts 16:16-40
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus helps us choose joy.
· Paul Shipwrecked—Acts 27:1-28:10
Ø Bottom Line: Even when it is hard, we can love like Jesus.
· The Church—Hebrews 10:23-25
Ø Bottom Line: We can love just as Jesus loves us.
· Heaven—Revelation 21:3-5a
Ø Bottom Line: Jesus is preparing a place for us.
Memory Verse: “and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2 Matthew 4:19