Hebron Students

 By: Dan Bender

Hey Friends!

This summer we are going to be up to our ears in sunshine and good stuff. We are going to continue getting together, but it will have a little salsa added in to spice things up for summer. We are going to have Summer Combined Youth Group - stay tuned as the Summer goes on for when we will meet and where. Sometimes we will just get together to hang out, other times we will do Bible study, and still other times we will do both! We have some big things coming up like Surf City, which is going to be awesome, as well as some get-togethers and, of course time, porch time complete with s’mores. There will be time to serve both our home at Hebron and in the community around!

This brings us to our theme: Summer Serve


Sunday School will continue in the summer as well! We will be meeting in conjunction with the adult Sunday school schedule. There will not be any Sunday school in the month of August as we rest a bit before we get going again on September 10. This summer our theme is going to be all about learning to SERVE and do it well. We will be looking at Biblical examples of service and how we can follow Jesus’ example as we look to SERVE others.

June 4 WHY we serve: Knowing why we do it matters
June 11 WHO we serve: Knowing who we serve matters
June 18 WHAT we serve: Knowing what we do matters
June 25 A Visit with Missionaries: Hendrickson Mission (Students will sit in on this with Adults)

July 2 WHEN we serve: Knowing when to serve matters
July 9 HOW we serve: Knowing how to serve matters
July 16 A Visit with Missionaries: AIM (Students will sit in on this with adults)
July 23 WHERE we serve: Knowing where to serve matters
July 30 NO SS for students because we are at Surf City