Essentials of Stewardship

 By: Mike Tomashewski, Head of Stewardship Team

We are in the midst of an exciting time at Hebron Church.  At the time of this writing, we are just starting to embark on a series on the “Essentials” of what we believe.  This encompasses not only the sermon but also the Sunday School hour.  In this vein, the Stewardship Team wanted to share what our “Essentials” are that are guiding the work we do on your behalf.

First, “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1).  Put another way, God has created a wonderful world and retains ownership of it.

Second, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it”.  (Genesis 2:15).  We have been given the role of stewards over creation.  We are called not only to maintain it but to make something of it.  Think of the parable of the talents where the servant who hid his money away was chastised.

Third, God chooses to involve us in his unfolding plan of redemption.  This applies to us as individuals, to Hebron as a church, and to the universal Church as a whole.  He could do it all himself, but he chooses to have us be a part of His redemptive plan.  So we are called to minister to our community, to our nation, and ultimately to the world.  Part of those roles call for financial support, and it is incumbent on us to manage our households so we can support his work here on earth.  So much has been given to us that we cannot help but to get involved and to give back so that others may, too, see the goodness of his grace.

Mike Tomashewski, Head of Stewardship Team

What do you have that you did not receive? (1 Corinthians 4:7)