What Children Are Talking About in November


During the month we are helping preschoolers learn to say thank you to Jesus for the people who help them. We want preschool children to grow thanking Jesus for the people He has given them to help them.

Memory Verse:  “Always give thanks to God.”  Eph. 5:20 
Bottom Line: I am thankful for people who help me. 

Our weekly lessons:

Week 1 - I am thankful for my family—Bible Story: Aaron helps his brother Moses - Ex. 17:8-13 
Week 2 - I am thankful for my community—Bible Story: Nehemiah Builds a Wall—Neh. 1–6
Week 3 I am thankful for people who give me what I need—Bible Story: Elisha’s Room - 2 Kings 4:8-17

Week 4 I am thankful for friends—Bible Story: Elijah and the Widow - 1 Kings 17:7-16

K-5th Grade:

Our November Life Application is Honor: Letting someone know you see how valuable they really are.  

At its core, honor is seeing people the way God sees them. We’re naturally wired to put ourselves first, but honor is the opposite of self-centeredness. It is something that flows from our relationship with Jesus. In a sense, one of the best ways we can honor God is by honoring those who reflect the image of God.  

Throughout Scripture we see how much God loves us: 
§ He created us in His image.  
§ He knows the number of hairs on our heads.  
§ We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  
§ He pursues a relationship with us even when we
§ want nothing to do with Him.  
§ He sent His only Son to pay for our sins to make an eternal relationship with Him possible.
And He did all of this for us without us even asking.  

Jesus was the ultimate One to show others their value. Jesus came to show us how to love and honor those around us. He taught us to love our enemies, to care for the “least of these,” and how to serve others. 

Memory Verse: "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above ourselves.”
Rom. 12:10  

As children memorize this verse, we hope they understand that honor includes seeing others how God sees them. When kids start doing that, they will be more willing to show God’s love to others and put their needs ahead of their own.  

To help kids understand the concept of honor, we will be talking about David.

Week 1: Honor others by giving them a chance—Bible Story: The Choice—Samuel anoints David - 1 Samuel 16:1-13
Week 2: Honor others by putting them first—Bible Story: Project Runaway - David and Jonathan - 1 Samuel 18:1-9; 19:1-7; 20:1-42
Week 3: Honor others by keeping your promises—Bible Story: Keeping Up with Mephibosheth (David and Mephibosheth) - 2 Samuel     9:1-13
Week 4: Honor God by giving Him credit—Bible Story: So He Thought He Should Dance - David dances before God -   2 Samuel 6:12b-22a

Thank you to each person who serves Jesus and His children at Hebron:

Adult and Teen Small Group Leaders, Small Group Leader Coaches, Storytellers, Hosts, Worship Leaders, Sunday Morning and Family Night Lights Directors, Class Room Coordinators, Craft Coordinators, the Youth Band, Kidz Club Kitchen Staff, Monthly Stage Design Crew, those who run sound and media shout, and those who set up for us and clean up after us. What each of you do  for children is important.

What each of you do for children matters.  Jesus is using each of you in children’s lives. Thank you for being the Light of the Church.   

“I thank my God every time I remember you…” Philippians 1:3