Operational Deficit Remains a Concern

While ministry continues to explode in and through Hebron (as you will see in this Herald), Hebron has an urgent need. We are running an operational deficit of $49,369 through September. 

While operational giving is significantly below budged revenue ($65,567), we have been able to make up some of this through savings in expenses ($16,198). However, as reported last month, we are still projecting a significant shortfall at the end of the year. Expenses have been cut as much as possible without affecting programming. So, at this time the Session is asking for your help. Please prayerfully consider giving generously to the Lord at Hebron over these next two months.

Ways to Give:
§ Check/Cash
§ Online Bill Payment through your bank
§ E-giving – online giving through Hebron by either credit card or direct bank debit

Contact me if you have any questions about any of these giving options.

                  Actual     Budget   Difference
Revenue  741,829   807,396   (65,567)
Expenses 791,198   807,396    16,198