By: Henry Knapp
This year, April begins with a bang! I don’t mean the weather (though maybe), or the Pirates baseball season (doubtfully), or fireworks celebrating tranquility in political life (come on, seriously?). No, this month begins with the “bang” of Holy Week, one of the most important times of the year. In addition to our Sunday Easter worship services, we will also gather for Maundy Thursday (with communion) and our Good Friday worship. We will be celebrating, remembering and praising the events leading up to and including the death and resurrection of our Lord, Savior, and King, Jesus Christ.
As we spend this time in worship, we will hear over and over of our Lord’s ministry and service to His people—how at His last supper Jesus served His disciples; on the cross He ministered to our greatest need; resurrected, He shares that grace with us. This week will be dominated by an emphasis on the service Jesus gave to His people—a service Christians both benefit from and seek to follow in their own lives.
This past year we have stressed “Worship + 2” at Hebron as our focus in making disciples—
· through our worship: Loving the Lord together
· through +1 our nurture: Learning the Word of God together
· through +2 our service: Serving our King together
Service in God’s Kingdom is a natural responsibility to our citizenship there. Our Savior-King has ministered and served us, and so we also minister and serve Him. As we do so, not only do we please our Lord, not only do we assist others to know Him more, but we also grow ourselves—ministering to others impacts our own lives in tremendous ways. Anyone who has given to others in grace knows of the transformative influence that has on our own walk with Christ.
So, our idea here is that every disciple would continue to grow as a disciple in part through our outreach to others. As we minister, so we grow. Part of our work here at Hebron is to ensure that everyone connected with our fellowship has the opportunity to experience this kind of disciple-forming ministry. So, what opportunities are out there? So many in every way! Where might you speak with an elder or staff member about getting involved?
Ø Leadership and participation in our worship services is a key opportunity: join the choir, handbells, offer to share a testimony, play in the band, help with set-up, the sound board, so much more.
Ø Our ministries here at Hebron are oriented around committees and teams: serve by helping out with our Adult Christian Education Team, Stewardship Team, Mission and Outreach, Connections, Deacons, Trustees, Personnel, and others.
Ø How crucial is our task in ministering to the children and students? Volunteer on Sunday mornings, Wednesdays, VBS in
Ø June, mentoring, teaching, loving on the kids.
Ø Through our Mission and Outreach Team, you have the chance to be engaged in local ministries of compassion, evangelism, love and hope. Internationally, your prayers are needed for missionaries around the world, some of whom we get a chance to visit and serve where they are.
Ø There are so many in our very midst who need to experience anew the love and care of Christ—help visit those in need, reaching out in emergencies, offering a meal, expressing God’s love.
Of course, these are just a few of the ways in which you can serve our King here at Hebron; and there are so many others we haven’t even thought of yet! So many ways to grow and to love others!
Please join me in service to our King, as we minister before Him and are transformed more and more into His likeness—all to the praise of His glory!