Children's Ministry

 By: Jill Scott

5th Grade Transition

On March 29
th, we held a special closing night for Kidz Club that included a Milestone Moment for our 5th graders who are moving up to Student Ministry. Our 5th graders were presented with new Bibles, and together we all watched a video compilation of photos of our 5th graders from when they were babies through today. It was a special night to wrap up Kids Club and to celebrate the time we had with the 5th graders in Children's Ministry and sent them off to continue to “Love God and Love Others” in middle school ministry.

We would ask that you pray for those 5th graders (and their families) as they navigate the transition of moving to middle school – at school and church. Here are our 5th graders to celebrate and pray for:

·   Chancellor (Chance) Aubele

·   Maxime (Max) Balkey

·   Mason Gabriel

·   Eva Gehring

·   Benny Morrow

·   Vinny Paradise

·   Alexander Scott

·   Emmanuel Teshome

·   Drew Tomashewski

·   Ava Tristani

What kidz are talking about in May….


Theme: Confidence – Living like you believe God is with you.

We might try to base our confidence on what we do well, or what someone might say about us. But true confidence should be built on something different. We think it’s found in understanding how God is both big enough to create the universe, but also close enough to be right here with us. We know that we can trust God no matter what. We are created in God’s image. And God loves us so much! Nowhere is this more evident than in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. And, when we trust Jesus with our life, the Holy Spirit is there to help us face whatever comes our way. We can respond to God’s love and care with confidence!

· Great Commission and Ascension—Matthew 28:16-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-11

Ø Bottom Line: Share God’s love with others.

· The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost—Acts 2:1-41

Ø Bottom Line: God sent the Holy Spirit to help you.

· Peter and John are taken to the Sanhedrin—Acts 3:1-4:21

Ø Bottom Line: God is with you no matter what.

· Philip and the Man from Ethiopia—Acts 8:26-40

Ø Bottom Line: God is with you even when you have questions.

 Memory Verse: “So we say with confidence, ‘the Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.’” Hebrews 13:6a



When given the opportunity, preschoolers are ready and willing to help because it shows the world they are big and can do things that matter. Need help stirring in the kitchen? Preschoolers to the rescue! Need help carrying groceries? Preschoolers to the rescue! Need help entertaining a fussy baby? Preschoolers to the rescue!

Could it be that the real reason preschoolers want to help is that God made them to help? We think so! That is why we will be spending this month answering the question “Who made you to help”? God made me to help! That’s who! After all, God is the ultimate helper, and we are all made in God’s image.

· Good Samaritan—Luke 10:25-37

Ø Focus: God made me to help others.

· The Four Friends—Mark 2:1-12

Ø Focus: God made me to help my friends.

· Timothy and Tabatha—1 Timothy 4:12, Acts 9:26-29

Ø Focus: God made each of us to help in different ways.

· Rebekah Helps—Genesis 24:15-20

Ø Focus: God made me to look for ways to help.

Memory Verse: “We have the Lord our God to help us.” 2 Chronicles 32:8