Children's Ministry

 By: Melanie Mills & Jill Scott

In November, preschoolers have been talking about all of the wonderful gifts God has given us! The 9:00 AM Sunday preschool small group led by Jayne Shorthouse and Lynn Glenn painted paper donuts with puffy paint as they discussed how grateful we are that God made yummy foods!


Nursery friends sharing a snack during the Sunday 10:15 AM small group, led by Emily Garrison, Hillary Chichon and Sarah Webb. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available during the 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM and 11:15 AM hours on Sunday morning.


Imagine going about your day, doing all the things you normally do... working, carpooling, sitting in meetings, running errands, answering phone calls and emails, making dinner for your family. And then...Bam! Your normal everyday life is interrupted by a major announcement. That’s what the shepherds were doing the night an angel, followed by an entire angel army, delivered the BIGGEST birth announcement of all time. Jesus is here. The promised one. The one they’d ALL been waiting for. He had arrived and they could find him in a stable, in the small town of Bethlehem. The shepherds ran to see Jesus for themselves, overwhelmed by this good news. And after they saw Jesus, what did they do? They immediately began telling EVERYONE about Him. (Luke 2: 8-22) YOU have that same opportunity with the kids in your life this month! Tell them about Jesus!

The preschool memory verse this month is John 3:16 GNT, "God loved the world so much that he gave His only Son."

It's true! God loved the world so much that He gave us His one and only Son! This month during preschool large group we will sing "What Christmas Is About" by Orange Kids. We encourage parents to download the Spotify app and follow the hebronkidz "Christmas 2022" playlist to have access to the songs your kids are singing during large group time on Sunday mornings. When worship is woven into the daily rhythm of your family's day it reminds your children that Jesus is at the center of our lives, all glory is His, and He loves us! 

Worship with your kids in the car, dance with them to worship music in the kitchen, and encourage your child to share the exciting news of the birth of Christ the King with a friend or family member!


James, the brother of Jesus, wrote that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17), but the best gift God ever gave was Jesus. From the beginning, God has had a plan to rescue the world from the consequences of sin. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan. Because of Jesus, it’s possible for us to have a relationship with God that will last forever. As we remember the Christmas story, we take time to celebrate the greatest gift the world has ever known.  

On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings in December, elementary small groups will be reading through the Gospel of Luke. We will share the incredible story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, that it seemed impossible for them to bear children in their old age. But one day an angel came to Zechariah and told him he would have a son. That son would prepare the way for the promised one, Jesus. An angel also came to Mary, who was awestruck when told she would bear the Savior of the world. These stories (Luke 1: 5-66) remind our elementary kids that anything is possible with God! Your children face some difficult seasons throughout their lives, but no matter what they face, they can trust God. His promises are true.

In Luke 2:8-20, we read that God didn’t choose to share Jesus’ birth with kings, government officials or religious leaders. Rather, God sent an angel choir to announce this news to a bunch of shepherds on a hillside. The shepherds ran to find Jesus, where they worshipped Him. They were so full of joy that they made sure to tell everyone what they had seen! The good news is for everyone. The message of Jesus, the gift of His love, isn’t something we should keep to ourselves. We want Hebron kids to start thinking about how they can share the good news about Jesus. From the words they say to the life they live, your kids can point people to Jesus and show God’s love to others.

The elementary memory verse for December is Luke 2:11 NIrV,  “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is the Messiah, the Lord.”


Important Dates:

Hebron Kidz Sunday small groups (infants through 5th grade) will not meet on December 25th or January 1st.

The nursery will not be available on either of these Sundays during worship. 

The last Wednesday Night Kidz Club of 2022 will be December 14th.

Kidz Club will not meet December 21st or 28th.