Women's Choice Network

by Dolly Patterson

What is Women’s Choice Network ?

Do you know that they do more than just educate regarding abortions; such as providing early detection ultrasounds on babies as early as six weeks?

After 10 years of being located at the Monroeville Mall they moved into the Corporate One building in Monroeville. That site has enabled them to hit the ground running. Not only have they provided sonograms, classes for new dads, and family get-togethers, they have also offered new and successful programming that deals with the abortion reversal, the pill, and an ultrasound options program. Many of our new programs can be found on our website: imissedmyperiod.com

We look forward to continuing our partnership with you in the future. Due to the support of thousands of local donors and dozens of church congregations, we are able to provide these services and programs that impact lives and families. We served over 1200 new clients this year, gave over 800 pregnancy tests and over 1,000 STD tests to those clients. Dozens of clients enrolled in our ongoing programs called Life Support, and we gave away hundreds of toys at the Christmas Toy Give Away. These outcomes are more than just numbers--they are lives! And because we are a ministry of Jesus Christ, we want to do more than provide tests and give gifts. We strive to present His story to every family we serve.

Here are some ways that supporters helped demonstrate the love of Jesus in our communities in Pittsburgh. Essential Speakers exceeded expectations adding 5 new presentations and added 4 new schools. The HHS Grant has enabled us to train new speakers, add a website, and seek even more opportunities.

Our Mission is to empower those most vulnerable to abortion to choose life. Thank you Hebron Church for your ongoing and continued support.