Children's Ministry

by Ellen Dillard

Sunday Mornings for Kidz

Kick Off Sundae September 9th!
We are so excited to begin a new year of small group ministry with your kidz! All Kidz—Babies through 5th Grade—gather at 9:15 and 10:45 am. Kidz are placed in a small group based on which worship service their parents attend. They are encouraged to attend the same small group each week as it is important for them to get to know their small group leader as well as the kidz in their group.
When you pick up your kidz after their small group, join us in the Heritage Hall parking lot for ice cream sundaes, games, and time with friends!

Milestone Event: Rising Kindergarten Celebration

Saturday, September 8th from 4:00-5:00 pm

Elementary Wing, 3rd Floor Main Building

Saturday, September 8th, Kindergarteners and their parents are invited to gather in the Elementary Wing, 3rd floor, to celebrate this new phase! Kidz and parents get to meet their small group leaders, meet friends who will be in their small group, and check out their new Sunday morning space.

Starting Kindergarten is a Milestone Event in the life of a family. The purpose of this event is to help Kidz with the transition and to encourage parents to lean in to the distinctive opportunities to leverage influence in their kidz life that this new phase offers.

How To Be Ok When Baby Goes To Kindergarten

In the days and weeks leading up to the big day, I had been repeatedly asked, “How are you doing?” As often as I’d been asked, I’d come to actually believe the answer I was giving. “As long as he’s okay, I’m okay,” I recited.
But then I watched him walk confidently and assuredly up the sidewalk and towards his classroom. I wrapped him up in a hug and got my kiss, I observed him turn to face this new frontier and it hit me.

He was okay. More than okay.
And I, well, I wasn’t. 

VBS Thank You

Thank you to all of the adults and teens who served at AMPED VBS this summer by praying, planning, and participating. Thank you for your donation of time, talents and gifts.  It takes every part of the church body to make VBS happen. We enjoyed our APMED VBS where Kidz learned to LIVE FULLY ALIVE in the confidence that comes from trusting Jesus.  Thank you to over 40 adults and over 30 teens who said “YES” to Jesus and served Him mightily during VBS Week. 

What a blessing to serve at Hebron and see how God changes lives in amazing ways as we learn and celebrate His word! Thank you to all!