A Reminder

by Jen Balkey

Women’s Ministry at Hebron is all about inviting women into relationship with Christ and equipping them as disciples of Christ. That mission is best achieved in relationship with one another. Meeting together, discussing, and encouraging one another along life’s journey is the reason He has divinely placed us together.

This year’s 12th Annual Women’s Heart Breakfast—Twice Mine Is Mine Forever was a success!! We had nearly 145 women come through the Barclay doors on Saturday February 10th to be reminded of God’s love for them! I am very thankful for my Women’s Ministry Leadership Team for their efforts in helping to envision the event and in recruiting and overseeing volunteers to make it happen. Without the service of so many, it would not have been possible—so thank you ALL for all of your time and energy that was put forth!

I shared a story during the event about a boy and his boat that the theme of “Twice Mine is Mine Forever” was formed around.

The story taught a very valuable lesson.
  • GOD made us in the beginning (John 1:1-2).
  • We sinned and separated ourselves from God (Isaiah 59:1-2).
  • But God loved us so much that He gave His only Son, His greatest gift, to buy us back (John 3:16).
  • Jesus gave His life freely in order to buy us back (John 10:15-18).

 Just as the boy in the story loved his boat so much that he gave all the money he had to buy it back, God loves us so much that He gave His most precious gift to buy us back.

We had many laughs at the breakfast! Tara and Brendan Conaway hosted a Family Feud game with great participation and  enjoyment by all.

Laura Ivanov did a great job as our speaker, walking us through Colossians, Chapter 3. Here’s a summary of what Laura said. Chapter 3 of Colossians can be seen as a guide to how we, the followers of Christ, should live. Colossians 3:1 begins, “Since, then..” Since we were created by God, separated from God because of our sins, and bought back by God through Jesus’ blood, then let us grab hold of the truth that we “have been raised with Christ.” Because that is true we CAN LIVE IT! How? Well Paul covers that too, “Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” In verse 2 he says, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Laura asked us to search our hearts to see what distractions or earthly things our minds are being filled with or distracted by. Are you allowing Christ to be Lord of your life? Or, are there things that God has called us to “put to death” (v.5) that are still a hindrance?

Laura went on to remind us that the qualities God calls us to PUT ON can only be worn AFTER we have “put to death” (v5), “rid yourselves” (v8) of the ways of the world. “Take off your old self with its practices and put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator” (v9b-10). We first have to take our worldly ways and attitudes off to put on the things of Christ.

Disciples—Christ followers—live a life of disciple-making: by ENGAGING the world (believers and non-believers), EVANGELIZING those that don’t know HIM, ESTABLISHING others in Christ so that they can grow and use their God-given gifts, and EQUIPPING others to know God, evangelize others, and be equipped to go out and DO the ministry we have been called to! Laura ended with REMEMBER THIS: Lord, help me today to set my mind and heart on things above. Reveal those things I need to take off so I can put on the things You have called me to put on!



Hebron Women’s Ministry Spring Retreat!

IF:Gathering at Hebron’s Barclay Building

Friday, April 20, 7 pm, Saturday, April 21, 9 am
Cost: $30

IF:Gathering exists to gather, equip, and unleash this generation of women to live out their calling and to wrestle with the essential question:

IF God is real, THEN what? What IF we followed God with perseverance instead of insecurity?

We are going to partner with IF:Gathering to host an IF:Local. We will look at one of Paul’s letters to Timothy as Paul reminded him of the power and responsibility of sharing the gospel. We want to give God away in the very places He’s put us, so we’re going to gather for the purpose of remembering why following God and making disciples matters.

We all get tired, we all wonder if what we’re doing matters, so IF:Gathering 2018 will be the reminder and it will be the celebration. The work we’re doing to share the gospel on earth is worth it and God DOES move through the little things that nobody sees. Plan to join us! More details coming soon!