Children's Ministry

by Ellen Dillard

Family Night Lights!

The place where kidz bring their parents to learn about Jesus in a fun and relevant way. The night includes music, videos, games, crafts, and dessert.

                 Date:  Friday, December 1, 2017
                 Time:  6:30—8:00pm
                 Location:  Barclay Building
                 Cost:  Free

Bring Christmas cookies that will be given to L.I.V.I.N.G. Ministry who will share them with the homeless in Pittsburgh.

Family Night Lights is open to the community.  It’s a great place to bring a family that you’ve wanted to invite to church but just haven’t yet.


We are thankful for our Family!


December for Preschoolers

The story we get to share with Preschoolers this time of year is so special – the story of when God gave us Jesus, the BEST gift ever! 

Memory Verse: “God has given a Son to us.” Isaiah 9:6
Key Question: How do we know God loves us?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.
Basic Truth: God loves me.

Week 1, November 26
Bible Story: The Angel and Mary—Luke 1:26-33, 38,

Week 2, December 3
Bible Story: Jesus Is Born—Luke 2:1-7

Week 3, December 10
Bible Story: The Shepherds—Luke 2:8-20

Week 4, December 17
Bible Story: Happy Birthday Jesus!—Luke 2

December for  K-5th Graders

Every good and perfect gift comes from God. In fact, generosity is at the very core of God’s character – He gave us His own Son, Jesus!  Jesus showed unwavering generosity as He traded His life for ours.  And, because God gave us Jesus and Jesus gave His life, we can be generous towards others.  When we are generous towards others, we show that we love God by loving the people He loves. As kidz celebrate God’s amazing generosity, we pray that they will see how they can be generous with their family, friends and neighbors.

Memory Verse: "Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”  1 Timothy 6:18
Life Application: Generosity—Making someone’s day by giving something away.
Basic Truth: I can trust God no matter what.

Week 1, November 26
Bible Truth: God gave us Jesus • 1 John 4:9-11
Key Question: What do you have to give?
Bottom Line: Because God gave, I can give.

Week 2, December 3
Bible Truth: The Parable of the Rich Man • Luke 12:13-21
Key Question: Why is it important to give to others?
Bottom Line: Don’t miss your chance to give.

Week 3, December 10
Bible Truth:  Be Rich • 1 Timothy 6:18
Key Question: What are ways you can give this Christmas?
Bottom Line: Look for creative ways to give.

Week 4, December 17
Bible Truth:  Jesus is Born • Luke 2:1-1:18
Key Question: What does Christmas mean to you?
Bottom Line: God gave us Jesus.


Sunday Morning Calendar
December 24 and 31
Infants – 5th Grade worship with their Families

 Kidz Club Calendar

November 22—No Kidz Club
We meet November 29 and December 6
January 10 – Winter Semester Begins