Contributions so far this year are $676,071. This is 5% behind 2015. While 5% may not seem significant, the resulting revenue shortfall is $41,615 so far this year. If we continue at this pace, it is possible that we may end the year with a significant shortfall. Expenses are slightly under budget, but they in no way are they closing the gap in giving.
Our purpose in sharing these numbers with you is not to scare or worry you but to identify the need and spur us on to do what each of us can to provide for Hebron’s ministry. Our object at Hebron is to openly share our financial needs with you as well as our blessings, for after all, we are a church family.
This Herald is full of examples of how God is using Hebron to show Himself to the world. As the fall semester gets going, please remember to continue your faithful giving. Let's see how God will continue to use us!