How You Can Help Kids - The Holly Alm Camp Scholarship Fund

The Holly Alm Camp Scholarship Fund (HACSF) was started in 2011, in memory of 12-year-old Holly Alm who was called home by the Lord in a traffic accident. The Fund was established to keep Holly’s legacy of having fun camping with friends and loving the Lord alive by sharing it with area youth. The Fund provides financial assistance to families to enable them to send their children to Christian camps, gatherings, retreats, and mission trips where the exciting, life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ can be seen and heard.

To date, the HACSF has provided over $103,000 so that more than 700 youth could attend camps and other events that would otherwise not have been possible. The majority of the funds raised have come from the Annual Golf Outing and Dinner. Last year over 240 people attended the Holly Alm Camp Scholarship Celebration and $26,893 was raised.

Hebron Student Ministries would like to raise money to support ten students to be a part of this year’s Holly Alm Camp Scholarship Celebration. Many of Hebron’s students have benefited from the Holly Alm Camp Scholarship Fund and have experienced the love of Christ at camps, and this celebration is the primary contribution to the Fund.

We would like to have a student presence at the dinner, as a means of thanking the HACSF, as well as showing these students that there are people who care about their spiritual progress.

What we would like to do is send ten students. Each ticket costs $40, but we would also 
like to give the kids another $60 in raffle tickets, all to add to the scholarship fund. So, the plan is to send ten students at a cost of $100 per student— $1000 total. Students will go and be a presence at the dinner and give the extra money that night at the auction in support of the scholarship fund.

In order to raise this $1000, Hebron Students will be selling Mason Jar Mixes for $5 a piece. We will need to sell 200 cookie, brownie, and soup mixes to reach our goal.  The jars will be on sale in the Fellowship Hall and in the Barclay Building.  Please help support Hebron Students as we support the scholarship fund that has changed so many lives for Christ. 

Ed. Note: This year’s event is being held on Sunday, October 9 at Edgewood Country Club. Make your plans now to attend the golf outing and/or dinner to follow. Registration forms can be found online at or in the literature racks at the church entrances.