Getting Underway...with Worship +2

 by Henry Knapp

Early in my ministry, I spent time with a young follower of Jesus who had a lot of questions. He was both annoying and enjoyable to work with since he always pushed the boundaries, questioning and even arguing against whatever I was trying to share. At various times I thought I was spinning my wheels, since he seemed to push back against everything I said. It was very discouraging… until… until I overheard him teaching another using the exact same language and arguments I used with him! It seems that, contrary to all appearances, he was actually listening and learning.

In the months since we have begun talking about “Worship + 2,” I have heard an increasing number of people speaking about the glory of God. In meetings, in one-on-ones, via emails and texts, folks have used the catch phrase, “to the praise of His glory,” to describe our goal and purpose as believers. A major emphasis around Hebron has been to make explicit that desire, that we would be “to the praise of His glory,” and it seems to be sinking in! Sin so easily shifts our focus from being God-centered, to me-centered, that the constant reminder is important—we are to exist and focus on God’s greatness.

Of course, it’s not enough for us simply to parrot the words—we need to be about praising Jesus and lifting high His majesty in the world. How do we do that? Is glorifying God something ingrained, and we just know how to do it? I don’t think so. Or, I guess if we should know how to glorify God, our sin so frequently blinds us to that truth. So how do we get better at it, better at praising His glory? One answer: Worship + 2! First, we worship, and worship well. An important part of every Christian’s week is the time we spend together in corporate worship, singing God’s praises, hearing His Word, dedicating ourselves to Him. We are committed to offering solid, biblical worship services here at Hebron, and we need you to keep joining us if we are to grow together in Christ. There's not a week that goes by that God does not desire you to be in worship with His people, and I feel the same way!

+ 1: Another aspect of our ministry model is a stress on growing in our understanding and appreciation for the things of God. The Lord uses many things in our lives to draw us closer to Him—relationships, creation, meditation—but one proven way (endorsed by God Himself!) is through exposure to the Scriptures. The Spirit of God uses the Word, often through the voices of friends, to shape our lives. This is why we have stressed Sunday morning classes for youth and adults as a time of growing in the Word and interacting with others.  And, this is why it is so important for you to engage in a home Bible study group, or Grove, or other teaching venue. Not every person will grow the same way, or will learn the same way, or be changed in the same way—but there are some constants: God’s Word and Spirit! Be sure you and your family are taking advantage of these opportunities.

+2: Finally, as we move forward, we will continue to stress the importance of ministering in God’s name both to share our faith with others, and to deepen our own devotion to the Lord. We are built to respond, not just to how we think, but also to how we act. And, so, acting in compassion toward others in the name of the Lord shapes our hearts in His image. Earlier this fall, we invited 17 of our mission partners to the Barclay and had a wonderful time exposing the congregation to their work, and opportunities to get engaged. As we develop this arm of our ministry in the months and years ahead, be on the lookout for ways you can get involved inside and outside Hebron.

Our Savior has done great things—redeemed us from the guilt of our sin. That is well worth praising Him. And, our Savior is shaping and molding us to further adore and serve Him—all to the praise of His glory!