Children's Ministry

 by Ellen Dillard

What we’re talking about in October…


Preschoolers love to show adults how BIG they are . . . “Look at my BIG muscles! Look how BIG I can jump! Look at this BIG bite!”

We don’t have to teach a preschooler to show everyone how big they are. And, if we’re all honest, there’s something deep inside us that wants to do something big, too. We want to show the world that we can do things that matter— things that really matter.

Could it be that we were all made to do big things? We think so. That is why during October, we’re discovering what being a Super Kid really looks like—doing the things God made us to do for Him. God made us to do BIG things!

David Chosen as King/1 Samuel 16:6-13

David Protects Sheep/1 Samuel 17:34-37

David and Goliath/1 Samuel 17:1-50

David Helps Mephibosheth/1 Samuel 20:14-17 and 2 Samuel 9:1-13

David Praises/2 Samuel 6:12-15