Children's Ministry

By: Jill Scott

What kidz are talking about in April….


Theme: Humility – Putting others first by giving up what you think you deserve.

We live in a “me-centered” world, where people act as if the world revolves around them. It can be hard to figure out how to be humble throughout the different circumstances we face. Thankfully, we don’t have to figure this out on our own. When Jesus was on earth, He gave us the ultimate example of humility. Jesus is God, and He put that aside for us. Through His life and death, Jesus also showed us how to serve others and put them first.

· Palm Sunday/Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet—John 12:9-16; 13:1-17

Ø Bottom Line: Jesus puts others first.

· Crucified and Risen—John 18:12-20:23

Ø Bottom Line: Celebrate because Jesus is Alive.

· Being Humble Like Jesus—Philippians 2:3-8

Ø Bottom Line: Put others first because Jesus put you first.

· On the Road to Emmaus—Luke 24:13-35

Ø Bottom Line: Put others first by helping them understand.

· Jesus Restores Peter—John 21:1-19

Ø Bottom Line: Put others first by making things right.

Memory Verse: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourself.” Philippians 2:3


The greatest love is to give one’s life for someone else. And that’s what Jesus did for all people. He died for us. But that’s not the best part of the story. What happened after Jesus died is what changed everything. Jesus came back! Jesus is ALIVE, today, and He wants us to follow Him!

And we are SO excited to share with our preschoolers that Jesus is alive! We want our preschoolers to know that Jesus isn’t just a character in stories. Jesus is alive, and He wants to be their friend forever! This month, we are sharing the most important event in history with our preschoolers. Jesus changed the world, and He still has the power to change people’s lives today. Why? Because Jesus is alive!

· Palm Sunday—Matthew 21:1-11, 15-16

Ø Focus: We celebrate Jesus because He is special.

· Easter—Matthew 26:20-50; 27:1-2; 28:1-7, John 13:33; 14:1-3, 28

Ø Focus: Jesus is alive!

· Breakfast on the Beach—John 21:1-4

Ø Focus: Jesus is alive, and He wants to be our friend forever.

· The Great Commission—Matthew 28:19-20

Ø Focus: Jesus wants me to tell others He is alive.

· Early Church—Acts 2:42-47

Ø Jesus taught us now to love one another.

Memory Verse: “I am alive for ever and ever.” Revelation 1:18