By: Jill Scott
What’s Happening with Hebron Kidz?
2023 is off to a great start with Hebron Kidz! On January 7th we held a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch to simply take time to thank our amazing volunteers who are the heart of our ministry. Without our leaders and volunteers, Hebron Kidz would not be possible!
We also want to say a special thanks to Melanie Mills for stepping in as Interim Co-Director of Children’s Ministry last fall.
What Hebron Kidz are talking about in January and February:
The memory verse for January is Luke 2:47, and the preschoolers are looking at FAITH in God’s Son by learning that Jesus said and did amazing things. We throw the word “amazing” around a lot. But imagine what it would have been like to watch Jesus calm a storm or give a man sight. It would have been like nothing you have ever seen before. That is the kind of amazing Jesus is – the “no one else can do this” amazing. Bottom Line – Jesus is Amazing.
In February the memory verse is Ephesians 3:18, and we’re looking at the TRUTH according to God’s message by learning everything Jesus did shows us how much HE loves us. During Jesus’ time on earth, He showed us how He loves. Jesus loved children and wanted to be with them. Jesus loved His friends and spent time with them. Jesus loved people by helping them. Jesus loved people no matter what they had done and forgave them. And His love for us is the same. Bottom Line – Jesus Loves Me!
The memory verse for January is Proverbs 2:6 with the theme of Knowledge: Never stop searching for what GOD says is true. We are doing this by learning the TRUTH according to God’s message and TRANSFORMATION by the power of God’s spirit by looking at lessons from the life of Jesus about Scripture. We may never know all there is to know about God, but there are lots of ways we can get to know God. We can know God best through Jesus, who showed us how much God loves us.
The memory verse for February is Luke 6:31 with the theme of Respect: seeing others the way Jesus sees them. We are doing this by learning about IDENTITY based on God’s image and about COMMUNITY in the context of God’s Family by looking at what Jesus taught us about how to treat others. All people have value because they were created in God’s image. God values us and wants a forever relationship with us. God sent Jesus to make that possible. We follow God’s example when we show others that they have value, too.