Election of Church Officers

The Nominating Committee has concluded its work and has assembled an excellent slate of officers who are ready and willing to begin their terms in 2021. The slate is as follows:

Elder: Bill Kear, Tom Kellner, Margie Krogh, Mark Webb, Lynn Zimmer

Deacon: Nicci Ambroziak, Sandy Chastek, Heather Gaunt, Mike Ramsay, Dave Rosburg, Deb Schirm, Lona Wilson

Trustee: Ben Hershman, Bob Morrow, Dan McCune, Dave Tedrick

Nominating Committee: Mike Tomashewski, Janie Mason, Marty Sidlo (Alternate)

Henry has consulted with Presbytery and has been told that, due to the pandemic, the election of officers this year can take place in unique ways.

After considering the options, Session has determined that it is prudent to cancel the 2020 Congregational Meeting.  The sole purpose of this meeting is to approve the slate of officers prepared by the Nominating Committee and endorsed by Session. We will assume the positive election of the slate as presented unless significant objections are raised by the congregation.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the nominees, please notify Henry Knapp.