Summer Activity Groups

by Bill Kear

Everybody likely has a favorite summertime activity or hobby. It may be a physically challenging endeavor, like hiking, golfing, or cycling. Or it could be something a bit more leisurely, like exploring the cuisine at a food truck, playing board games or cards, or attending a baseball or soccer game.

Whatever your interests might be, we are asking you to take the opportunity to suggest and lead some form of activity this summer. We already have Doug Rehberg taking the initiative with golf (yes, quite a stretch - who knew that Doug liked golfing!?), Henry Knapp coordinating a spelunking adventure (and don’t be put off, spelunking is just a fancy way of saying cave exploring!), and Bill Kear organizing some outings to visit some food trucks in the area.

There are no hard guidelines, so please don’t feel intimidated! It can be a one-time opportunity (like a Riverhounds game or a visit to Laurel Caverns); or it can be a recurring activity (such as the golf or food truck activities).  What we need is for folks to be willing to step forward with an idea, and then to help facilitate making it happen. It’s truly that simple!

We will help promote whatever activity is targeted. We will assist in any ways necessary to make sure you’re confident and comfortable with your role. It would be awesome to have at least ten different types of activities. This would be a wonderful way to not only engage existing friends at Hebron, but to also meet and gain some new friends.  This is also an opportunity to invite a family member, a friend, or a co-worker to join you.
It’s a great opportunity to have fun and fellowship together. We’re praying that you’ll consider stepping forward with an idea. If so, please contact:

Bill Kear, Connections Team Chair
724-875-6028 (cell)
Tara Conaway, Connections Team Co-Chair
412-554-7767 (cell)

And be watching for upcoming announcements regarding the specific details and how to sign up for the activities you’d like to participate in!

Save the Date:
Men’s Caving Trip to Laurel Caverns - June 8.  Contact Steve Sanders ( or Henry Knapp ( x12)