Discipleship Opportunity

by Jerry Zeilstra

Are you interested in taking the Course of Your Life (COYL) this summer?  COYL aims to revolutionize people’s understanding of who God is, what He has done in Christ, what His extraordinary plans are for the world, and how that relates to each of our lives. It is a biblical framework to help people gain a new love, joy, and enthusiasm for serving Christ as a disciple-making disciple through prayer and God’s Word.

One person wrote this when asked, "How has COYL changed your life?"

"Prior to taking the COYL I was actively involved in a Bible Study outside of church where I was encouraged to study the Scriptures and mature in my faith in Jesus Christ and to likewise make disciples of Jesus. The COYL has affected the way I communicate the Gospel at Bible Study, at home and at church. I have felt challenged by the COYL to be use to make disciples more effectively in our church. The COYL jump started my enthusiasm toward more actively engaging in the ministries I was already a part of. I found that I was being more intentional about spending time with the children who were in our small groups outside of church and going to their activities. I have spoken more about God's Word, the sermon content, and have asked more challenging questions around our table at home or on the car ride home from church, but since the COYL, I have tried to engage other folks at church in these conversations. (Although I must admit this is more challenging because what is already part of our culture at home does not seem natural or easy with folks at church and even less so with folks outside the church, like neighbors and friends.) The COYL has provided an organized way for me to think about and communicate the process that we go through when through the power of the Holy Spirit, God transfers us from the domain of darkness into the Kingdom of His Son and He transforms our lives in the process. It has been good for me and a challenge to me to recognize that I am the means that God uses to move others toward maturity in Christ, while at the same time I am maturing and being transformed more and more into the likensess of Christ. I have always endeavored to be a good neighbor, but I have tried to be bolder in my one-on-one interactions and in teaching the Word of God for transformation. The COYL has confirmed for me even more the necessity of keeping my heart, mind and soul fixed on Jesus and His Word and under-girding everything in my life and my days with prayer."

The course is held on 9 consecutive Tuesdays  from  June 19 to August 8 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm with an intensive weekend August 10 (7-9 pm) - August 11 (8 am to 8 pm). Jerry Zeilstra and Katrina Dunderdale are co-teaching at Jerry’s home. Dinner included. Contact Jerry (412-512-6576) or jzeils1422@aol.com if you would like to attend. The course is limited to 12 people.