Family Night Lights - Fall Festival
Date: Friday, October 7
For: K-5th Graders and their families (younger siblings are welcome to come, too)
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Location: Barclay Building
Cost: Free
Family Night Lights is a burst of Family Fun fueled by live worship and Bible stories told in an upbeat and relevant way. The music is fast paced and the sketches and media presentations are creative and never boring.
We talk about God, Faith and Life Applications…things that every parent wants their kid to learn. A Life Application is what God is doing inside of us to change the world around us. We’d like to say we came up with these Life Applications but really, they are God’s ideas, such as trust, obedience, gratitude and patience.
In October our Life Application is Courage: Being brave enough to do what you should do, even when you’re afraid.
Our night will also include carnival games, crafts and dessert!
Family Night Lights is a great place to invite people that you’ve wanted to invite to church but haven’t felt the time was “right.” Family Night Lights is the perfect time and place. The atmosphere is fun and relaxed.
Plan on joining us for the first Family Night Lights of the school year! And think about who you want to invite!
Technology Tips for
Think about technological responsibility when giving kids access to technology, not their ability to afford it or get good grades. Instead, look for maturity in them and see if they are in a place to use it in a safe, healthy way.
Be a team manager, not a secret agent
If you want to show your kids they matter to you, then discover more about the things they care about. In this technology tip, Jon Acuff talks about how to connect even as your kid’s hobbies and passions move into the digital space.
Click on the link below.